Christian Bale
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[TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo)

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[TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) Empty [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo)

Mensaje  Aby Jue Jun 11, 2009 8:04 pm

Esto iría en el apartado de Artículos etc, pero esque no puedo abrir un tema asique.. Aquí se queda (O Que se mueva sinó) ^^
He transcrito el texto, pero de traducciones no se nada.. Asique quién pueda decirnos de que habla.....
No está completo, falta una hoja Rolling Eyes



HE KNEW IT the second opened the envelope. Christian Bale was in the backseat of a car, riding home from the set of The Dark Knight in London. The package sitting on his lap was postmarked Hollywood, Calif, and inside was a script with the title: Terminator Salvation. Instantly, he knew. He knew what his next movie was not going to be. “I went, 'No, I don't even have to read this'” Bale says, two years later: “I just thought, the mythology is dead. I mean, I did flick through it, because you can always be surprised. But i wasn't surprised by what I read in thet one.”
Back in Hollywood, McG, the director who'd sent Bale the script, was crushed. Bale was the only actor he believed had both the intensity and intergrity to kick-start the beloved sci-fi franchise. So he got on a plane to London—no small gesture for a guy whose fear of flying contributed to him dropping out of Warner Bros.' recent Superman reboot at the last minute because it was being shot in Australia. He believed that if he could just meet with Bale face-to-face, he could change his mind.
The two met at a café near Bale's homne, and McG did everything but act out the entire movie. He even handed Bale a copy of Cromac McCarthy's The Road, saying how the novel's bleak, postapocalyptic setting was what he has in mind for the film. But the deperate salesman was no matck for the disinterested buyer. Then McG madi his final, Hail Mary gambit. He pleaded with Bale to take a chance on him.
Bale recalls, “I has this guy sitting there saying, 'Christian didn't somebody ever take a leap of faith on you to do something radically different than you've ever done before? Give me that opportunity.' So I'm thinking. ¡Oh, f---!'” Bale's advisers were against it too. Not just because Terminator Salvation was a sequel to a sequel, but also because of McG himself, a man with little more to his credit then The O.C, a couple of Charlie's Angels movies, and a ridiculous name. “I had people telling me, 'Don't do it, Christian. Don't go with that guy.' In a strange way, I like the fact that he keeps that name because it does him no friggin' favors” says Bale. “But people hear it and they go, ¡F--- him!' People were telling me, 'Christian, you're too good for Terminator.' And I'm thinking, I'm too good? I'm not a snob. I really f---ing enjoy watching a good action movie. Who do you think I am?!”
Actually, that's an excellent question. If McG's a director with a successful but slick résumé, Bale is his opposite. He's been acting since he was 10. At 13, he starred in Steven Spielberg's Empire of the Sun. Since then, he's made 28 films—some big, some small; some memorable, some not. But he's always been interesting. His vrooding, bare-knuckle turn in The Dark Knight helped make his box office success, though, Bale is still known primarily for his intense preparation for every role (see sidebar) and his ferocious intensity on the set--a fact that's now well-known to anyone with an Internet connection.

TWO WEEKS before Salvation's release, Bale is siting in a Los Angeles hotel room to promote the film he once vowed he would never make. This isn't easy for him. Bale's always been wary of the press. And he knows there are questions that must be answered—questions that have nothing to do with John Connor, the messianic freedom fighter he plays in the film, or with carrying yet another potential franchise on his shoulders.
No, there are unduckable questions about his temper. Specifically, the profanity-laced tirade he unleashed on a crew member who made the mistake of wandering into Bale's sightline during a tense scene on Salvation. The rant got leaked onto the Internet in February and was forwarded like a virus, making Bale come off like a bully. It even got turned into a dance remix, which turned the actor into something even worse than a bully—a late-night punchline. Bale went on an L.A. Radio show to explaind and apologize. But whether or not the public buys that he was in character during the blowup, his image could siffer. A recent survey in Ad Age suggested that his drawing power may have taken a hit because of the incident.
“I don't care to go into details because, you know what, I don't believe in making excuses,” says Bale in his native British accent. “It doesn't matter. It was unacceptable. I went too far. And I learned from it.”

-EW: What did you learn?
-Bale: [Laughs] Count to 10 first.
-EW: When you heard it played back, were you mad at yourself, or just mas that it got out?
-Bale: I was surprised at people's interest. Yes, I was surprised at myself hearing it back. These things happen, and you don't realize how long you're going in the heat of the moment. I would just say: inexcusable, my fault, yes, I did it, no excuses.
-EW: Why did you apologize on the radio?
-Bale: I was being told how it had gone like wildfire, and I was worried that it could completely overwhelm the movie itself. There's so much hard work that's gone into this. We had 77 days of smooth running and four minutes of me just

Cantidad de envíos : 444
Fecha de inscripción : 28/01/2009

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[TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) Empty Re: [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo)

Mensaje  eva Vie Jun 12, 2009 7:55 pm

Aby linda, he intentado ponerlo en su sitio y no me deja. Ya hablaré con YateBale o Claudia y se lo comentaré.
Si tu ingles es malo coge el mio, que ni en sueños le entiendo. Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz

Signo chino : Caballo
Cantidad de envíos : 2764
Fecha de inscripción : 11/12/2008
Edad : 57
Localización : Madrid (España)

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[TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) Empty Re: [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo)

Mensaje  Aby Vie Jun 12, 2009 10:09 pm

Por eso lo he puesto aquí, porque en su sitio no se puede... xD

Cantidad de envíos : 444
Fecha de inscripción : 28/01/2009

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[TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) Empty Re: [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo)

Mensaje  Claudia Sáb Jun 13, 2009 7:05 pm

eva escribió:Aby linda, he intentado ponerlo en su sitio y no me deja. Ya hablaré con YateBale o Claudia y se lo comentaré.
Si tu ingles es malo coge el mio, que ni en sueños le entiendo. Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz

Tienen razon chicas, es un detalle que se desde el principio note, y siempre que contacto con yatebale, se me olvida comentarle [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) 978725 . Perdon corazones, pero por eso, ahora tenemos a nuestras dos nuevas y flamantes Administradoras th_emo3 th_emo3 th_emo3 y esta clase de detallitos se iran corrigiendo.

Yo no tengo manera de modificarlo, pero ya sea que Eva, Glorita o una servidora, le decimos a Yatebale y estara resuelto.

Gracias por poner la revista, hay un par de lineas que me encantaron:

People were telling me, 'Christian, you're too good for Terminator.' And I'm thinking, I'm too good? I'm not a snob. I really f---ing enjoy watching a good action movie. Who do you think I am?!”

Claro es es muy bueno para cualquier papelucho...tal vez por eso, es que hasta lo que se considera de muy mala calidad, èl lo convierte en algo digno de verse.

-EW: What did you learn?
-Bale: [Laughs] Count to 10 first.

Jajajajaja es algo que una servidora deberia de hacer igual....con mis hijos feliz_rana1

Signo chino : Cabra
Cantidad de envíos : 2639
Fecha de inscripción : 28/07/2008
Edad : 56
Localización : Mexico

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[TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) Empty Re: [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo)

Mensaje  eva Sáb Jun 13, 2009 7:11 pm

Yo tampoco Claudia, por eso le comente a Aby de hablarlo con vosotras.
Uy, ¿Glorita también de Administrateur? Se va a poner la mar de contenta, desde aqui mi enhorabuena. aplauso aplauso aplauso aplauso aplauso aplauso aplauso aplauso aplauso
Como ya sabeis mi ingles es nulo, por lo que no me he enterado de nada. Eso se le da bien a Glorita. [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) 96437

Signo chino : Caballo
Cantidad de envíos : 2764
Fecha de inscripción : 11/12/2008
Edad : 57
Localización : Madrid (España)

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Mensaje  Aby Sáb Jun 13, 2009 7:58 pm

People were telling me, 'Christian, you're too good for Terminator.' And I'm thinking, I'm too good? I'm not a snob. I really f---ing enjoy watching a good action movie. Who do you think I am?!”

Laa gente me decía, 'Christian, eres demasiado bueno para Terminator ". Y estoy pensando, soy demasiado bueno? No soy un esnob. Realmente f --- (QUE NO SE TRADUCIR) disfrutar viendo una buena película de acción. ¿Quién crees que soy? "

-EW: What did you learn?
-Bale: [Laughs] Count to 10 first.

- EW:¿A qué aprendiste?
- Bale: [Risas] A contar hasta 10

Creo que la traducción sería esa... Rolling Eyes

Cantidad de envíos : 444
Fecha de inscripción : 28/01/2009

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[TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) Empty Re: [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo)

Mensaje  GLORITA Jue Jun 18, 2009 1:50 pm

Ahhhhhh! no me di cuenta hasta que leí este post!! Yo también soy administrador!!!! th_emo3 th_emo3 th_emo3 th_emo3 th_emo3 th_emo3 th_emo3 th_emo3
Gracias! gracias! gracias chicas!! thanks a lot!!!!!! abracito abracito abracito abracito
bat_001 bat_001 bat_001 bat_001 Que emocionante! th_emo4
Ahora mismo me pongo a traducir ese artículo para echaros una manilla! Pedídme lo que queráis! sobre todo si hablamos de temas de inglés o documentación que es más lo mío! [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) 978725
Gracias a Claudia y Yatebale! Muchos besitos para TODAS!

Signo chino : Cabra
Cantidad de envíos : 1580
Fecha de inscripción : 06/11/2008
Edad : 45
Localización : España

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[TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo) Empty Re: [TERMINATOR 4] Enterteiment Weekly (Artículo)

Mensaje  Claudia Vie Jun 19, 2009 7:21 am

Jejejeje gracias Glorita por aceptar, como le dije a Eva, ustedes son chicas muy participativas y ultimamente han aportado muchisimo al foro. Besos feliz_k1

Signo chino : Cabra
Cantidad de envíos : 2639
Fecha de inscripción : 28/07/2008
Edad : 56
Localización : Mexico

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